Job title: Teacher (primary school, secondary school, support staff) wanted
School: Freie Schule Heckenbeck
Street and no.: Kreuzstraße 13
Postcode and town: 37581 Bad Gandersheim
Contact person: Susanne Kenntemich
Telephone: 05563 960513
Job description: Freie Schule Heckenbeck (primary and secondary school in Bad Gandersheim, OT Heckenbeck) is looking for committed teachers for primary school, English (Sek I) and our special school area.
Freie Schule Heckenbeck is a primary and secondary school located in the idyllic village of Heckenbeck between Göttingen and Hanover. Our school works across all ages from grades 1-10 in three groups – Primaria, Sekundaria, Tertia and offers our 120 children and young people the opportunity for self-determined learning. We respect the life processes of the children and young people and create a relaxed atmosphere for all involved. In our work we are guided by the experiences of Rebeca and Mauricio Wild, Maria Montessori and current findings from neurobiology and learning research.
We wish to have:
a teacher with qualifications and experience up to grade 10 including an extended secondary school certificate for English
a special needs teacher and / or
a primary school teacher, preferably with experience in the area of support or willingness to take part in appropriate further training courses
Experience in respectful interaction with children and young people
Ability to work in a team and willingness for self-reflection
Enthusiasm, curiosity, joie de vivre and humour
Commitment and willingness to creatively and actively shape and develop the school.
We offer:
An experienced interdisciplinary team
The opportunity to implement an innovative reform pedagogical concept
Cooperation with the neighbouring kindergarten “Pusteblume”.
Further training, supervision, mutual support in the team
Interesting village life with many projects
If you are interested, please contact: 05563/960513 and/or send a written application to .