Start > Network > Member Schools
Adress of school:
Alte Salzstraße 67, 04209 Leipzig
Number of students and staff; age range:
students: 135 aged 6-16; staff 12 pedagogical, 2 administrative
Describe the location/surroundings:
Leipzig; largish city; accessible lakes for swimming; everything a normal city can offer
Description of school’s concept:
attendance compulsory 8.30-13.00
‘offers’ not ‘lessons’ – all voluntary
weekly school meetings; weekly class 4-10 meetings
the only compulsory thing is ‘dienst’ – 15 minutes of cleaning every day – voted by school meeting;
all school rules decided in school meeting, also represented in employment process and budget
Who decides whether or not a student can come for exchange:
contact person:
Benni Schmutzer
How many students could you host:
up to 10 but flexible
For what duration:
open to everything but need to discuss each case at a time; consider financial factors
What age-range would you welcome:
as from class 5 but also may be flexible
Do you have host-families:
yes – but has to be arranged on a case by case basis
What is the main/only language spoken at your school; what other languages are spoken:
German native speakers; English speakers in staff and students; students also learning Spanish and French; language instruction – maybe but would have to ask
Would the exchange student have to pay tuition; could tuition be exchanged for a free exchange opportunity for students of your school at the school of your guest?:
has to be discussed. a free exchange opportunity might work
Are there any expenses for staying in the host family:
schools lunch is 2,50€ a day; the rest would be up to the individual families to arrange/agree upon
Can you provide basic info on daily expenses (food, transportation) in your city:
tram is 1€ for one way ticket for children; food and other costs are very reasonable
Have you had previous experiences with student exchanges or hosting a student? What was positive/negative?:
students were at IDEC Israel and are arranging going there again and having people come to us; planning of two trips to england next year; different things with schools in Germany; very positive experiences; very enthusiastic
Do you have experience with raising funds for travel expenses?:
Can you put down a holiday schedule for your school? Are there times when you wouldn’t welcome students:
autumn: 2 weeks mid-october
Christmas: 1,5 weeks starting 23 december
Winter: 2 weeks mid february
Easter: 1,5 weeks over easter
Summer: 6 weeks from approx. july
Are you also interested in staff exchange? What are your ideas for such an exchange?: