The EUDEC conference is the highlight of the EUDEC calendar and a great opportunity to meet people who are active in the field of democratic education. It's a place to meet friends, discuss ideas, work on projects, play and have fun together.
The EUDEC diploma is a document handed out exclusively by some EUDEC member schools which shows the competencies that can be acquired by attending a democratic school.
One of the most important aims of EUDEC is to facilitate exchange between schools.
Exchange of experience and ideas is simply invaluable!
EUDEC is a non-profit organisation that promotes democratic education as a sensible educational model for all democratic states.
Its members are individuals, schools and institutions throughout Europe with decades of experience in democratic education.
One of the things that makes this organisation so unique is the active role played by school students at all levels: e.g. as individual members, on the EUDEC Council, in conference-planning, in the organisation of programmes etc. Read more
Circle: Research and theory generation
Circle: External communication
ggoiss (at)
Circle : Support of schools and projects
Circle : Community animation
Michał SienickiI have participated in each EUDEC since 2012 and i am completely in love with this event. It showed me a different approach to education and provided an opportunity to develop wonderful frindships. The best thing about it is that it not only preaches values of democratic education, but also puts them into practice with the open space system. Everyone co-creates this conference and is free to participate in any way they want. My time during EUDECs was always full of philosophy, playing frisbee and dancing. It is a great way to have inspiring holidays.
Nicola KrieselI visited the first EUDEC Conference in Leipzig in 2008 as a curious mother of two kids, who went to free alternative schools in Berlin, my older one about to start at a Democratic school. I became a member immediatly and visted every conference since 2011. I experience the conferences as a week of inspiration and commitement to our shared cause of democratic education. It's a place where you can meet like minded people from all over the world, that might also become your friends.
Pierre-André BalestrieriI was a volunteer in Paris 2017, and attended the Conference in Crete 2018. It is so empowering to share one week with 400+ people from all over Europe! Attending a Conference is definitely the best way to connect to democratic education's network, to exchange ideas and to build deep long-living friendships.