Start > Network > Schools and Start-Ups
Marchlewskistr. 40
10243 Berlin
Phone: +49-30-40393340
Contact person: Mike Weimann
Number of students: 85
Age range students: 5-17
Year founded: 2008
School Info Chart – Netzwerk-Schule
The NETZWERK-SCHULE combines several innovative approaches. It implements the ideas of democratic education in the form of a democratic school. As a comprehensive school it is open both mornings and afternoons. It integrates children with disabilities and cooperates with youth welfare services, cultural institutions and local businesses as a socially oriented neighbourhood school.
In our concept we take a lerner-centred approach and respect the students’ rights for self-determination. Most decisions concerning the organisation of the school are made democratically in school meetings. Conflicts are solved through fair processes. Students and teachers have equal rights.
Movie (in German): Students and staff introduce their school, the schoolmeeting and the school court. (Film (auf deutsch): Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter stellen ihre Schule, die Schulversammlung und das Schulgericht vor:)
Film: Netzwerk-Schule – Selbstverantwortung, Partizipation, Demokratie
Netzwerk-Schule from Berlin, Germany has participated in a survey of the European Coucil’s program “Free to Speak, Safe to Learn – Democratic Schools for All”, see here.
(As of 15.12.2019)