The EUDEC diploma is a document handed out exclusively by some EUDEC member schools which shows the competencies that can be acquired by attending a democratic school.
These competencies are not displayed in grades, therefore it is important to have the option of getting a more personal document describing the skills acquired by attending a democratic school.
The EUDEC diploma consists of two parts, one page with a standard introductory part describing the general benefits of having been at a democratic school, and a second part with an individual text about the person – written by friends of the individual.
The EUDEC diploma can be obtained by any student or staff member attending a democratic school if:
- The school is a EUDEC member (If your school is not yet a EUDEC member, please consider to join)
- The school has filled out the information chart (If your school hasn’t done so yet, please fill it out.)
- The school holds the two pillars of democratic education into its principles and actual practice:
- Self-directed learning: The focus is on learning rather than teaching.
- Shared Decision-making: Everyone in a community has responsibility for that community.
The school has got recommendations of at least one other EUDEC member (preferably from a EUDEC member school (teacher, student, ex-student…)) who is not part of the applicant school but has seen it working. This person has to be a member of a EUDEC school and to be pre-approved by Council to be allowed to give a recommendation about the school.
The school has a Responsible.
The school has to have 3 elected people with voting rights.
The school has got permission from the Council to use the EUDEC Diploma.
If your school fullfils these criteria and you would like to hand out the EUDEC diploma, please contact in order to receive the documents needed. Once you have these documents, you need to know how to produce the individual part. For that you might need help or further information