The Highland School – information for student or staff exchanges

Address of school:

98 Sycamore Springs Lane, Ellenboro, WV 26346 USA

Number of students and staff; age range:

We average 10-15 students a year. We have 4 full time staff and we have an age range of 4-18

Describe the location/surroundings:

Rural woodlands with mid-sized cities within half hour drive.

Description of school’s concept:

Democratic. Similar to Sudbury.

Who decides wheter or not a student can come for exchange:

The General School Meeting

Contact person:

Admissions Clerk, Karen Whitescarver

How many students could you host:


For what duration:

Minimum of one semester

What age-range would you welcome:

We accept students from other democratic schools of any age for a minimum of one semester.

Do you have host-families:

We are a boarding and day school so students would live in the dormitory.

What is the main/only language spoken at your school; what other languages are spoken:

The main language spoken is English. We have students from around the world who speak other languages.

Would the exchange student have to pay tuition; could tuition be exchanged for a free exchange opportunity for students of your school at the school of your guest?:

Students can come for as little as one semester. The cost for a semester of room, board, and tuition is $9,000.00

Are there any expenses for staying in the host family:

Transportation fee is $200.00 per semester for transportation to and from the airport.

Can you provide basic info on daily expenses (food, transportation) in your city:

See above.

Have you had previous experiences with student exchanges or hosting a student? what was positive/negative?:


Do you have experience with raising funds for travel expenses?:


Can you put down a holiday schedule for your school? are there times when you wouldn’t welcome students:

We have a summer break from late May to early September and a winter break from mid-December to mid-January. See school website for calendar: The Highland School Calendar

Are you also interested in staff exchange? what are your ideas for such an exchange?:

Not at this time.