Tag: Germany

Video 10 Jahre DSX

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 und 10 Schuljahre sind auf der Demokratische Schule X schon vergangen. In dieser Zeit wurde gelebt, gelacht, gelernt, Regeln geschaffen und Anträge abgestimmt. Die Schule hat sich entwickelt und etabliert. 10 Schulmitglieder:innen beantworten jeweils die zentrale Frage: “Was ist einer deiner besten Momente an der DSX […]

Netzwerk-Schule from Berlin, Germany has participated in a survey of the European Council’s program “Free to Speak, Safe to Learn – Democratic Schools for All”

http://www.theewc.org/Content/Home/News/The-2018-Democratic-Schools-for-All-Survey The survey served as a kickstarter for a three-year campaign which aims to “highlight the commitment to democratic values and principles in the life and culture of schools while identifying and sharing good practices from all Council of Europe member States”. https://www.coe.int/en/web/campaign-free-to-speak-safe-to-learn/home Based on the submitted documents related to the survey Netzwerk-Schule has been […]

Sudbury Ammersee Court Appeal

We’re excited to announce that the appeal for the trial that resulted in the closing of the school has been approved, so court-procedures will be re-opened! This is great news for Sudbury Ammersee, for Democratic Education in Bavaria, in Germany, in Europe and everywhere! You can find detailed news about it (in German) here. The […]

Latest Report from Sudbury School Ammersee

Dear friends of Sudbury, (Deutsche Version unten) A good week ago we received the negative decision of the court, and now we are waiting for the details. We prepared for the hearing intensively and for many months, and during it we described the many-faceted ways that learning happens at a Sudbury school, that many pupils […]