The Hungarian Democratic Education Society held it´s very first Conference on the 4th of March in Budapest. We have found an excellent partner in the teacher training institute of the Eötvös Loránd University. A great organising committee of 7 members prepared 36 presentations, workshops, roundtables, and a big “school meeting”. More than 300 interested people filled out the registration form. We also organised a place for drinking coffee. This was sadly not used enough, because we made a very tight prog ram, and there were not long enough periods between the programs.

The school meeting was only a half an hour, and many people thought it could have lasted longer. For this occasion not only grown-ups came, but also the children, who had their own program. The Hungarian Democratic Education Society has been in existence since 2011. The time was ripe for such an event, because we could also speak about Hungarian attempts to implement democratic education in nursery schools and in middle and high schools.