As you perhaps already know the next EUDEC conference will be held in Bulgaria! Finally, after having to cancel it in 2020… We are planning to ensure all the needed conditions for everyone to have big fun as well as to learn, discuss and play together as always. The location is the Training Center of […]
Year: 2022
Hello teachers and educators all around the world!
My name is Eva Kleinlein and I am currently working on an international research project on Inclusive Schooling Practices of Teachers Worldwide. Therefore, I am searching for teachers and educators who are interested in sharing their experiences in teaching diversity in an online survey. The survey is divided into two parts which each take about 15 minutes. As the […]
Campaign for Ukrainian refugees
Our democratic school called “Slobodná škola” located at Ťahanovská 74, Košice, Slovakia, was main user of interior and community garden we established in 2017. As we are only 90km from Ukrainian borders and largest city around (250 000 inhabitants), since the war outbreak we have been offering support to refugees coming to Kosice. Our school […]
CfP_Doing Democratic Education. Call for papers
Call for Papers Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “LabSchoolsEurope – Participatory Research for Democratic Education” we would like to invite interested educators across Europe to contribute to this Call for Papers for the series “Forschungsperspektiven” (Research Perspectives) of the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (ISSN 2412-799X). This volume will be published in […]
Focus Group Consultation Reporting by EUDEC “Futures of Education”
European Democratic Education Community participation in the global conversation called by UNESCO’s “Futures of education” project Knowledge production, access and governance Threats to knowledge becoming a global common good. There is a widespread global decline in student interest in compulsory, coercive, prescribed curriculum in many state school systems which is not found where students have […]