Author: Monica Kerme

Latest Report from Sudbury School Ammersee

Dear friends of Sudbury, (Deutsche Version unten) A good week ago we received the negative decision of the court, and now we are waiting for the details. We prepared for the hearing intensively and for many months, and during it we described the many-faceted ways that learning happens at a Sudbury school, that many pupils […]

New Democratic-Education project in France has spaces available as Boarding School

Dear friends, Last year, in March 2017, we founded an eco-village called Village de Pourgues, in Le Fossat, France. Our foundations and structures are inspired from Sudbury Valley School. We are now 30 people living together, including 9 children from ages 1 to 10. Where so many have failed since the 70s, we succeeded in […]

School students need time to think – A modest proposal

It seems to me that the crucial commodity that children and young people need in order to find and deepen their interests and identity is TIME. Time to think, time to wonder, time to create, time to hang out with their friends, time to find out who they are, time to relax and just be idle […]

Freedom to Learn Conference in Prague – November 2018

A new and exciting organisation is holding its second Freedom to Learn conference in Prague in November. Its first conference in 2015 was attended by more than 300 people. The organisation is SvobodaUčení.cz. It is a Czech network linking a number of new ventures in the Republic.

Council of Europe campaign : “Free to speak, safe to learn” – Democratic schools for all.

The Council of Europe is launching a new campaign to bring together schools that are actually implementing the democratic competences identified by the Council’s  Education for Democratic Citizenship/Human Rights Education project . This would apply to every member school of EUDEC!

Freedom to Learn Forum held at Summerhill School

Derry Hannam’s Introduction to the AERO report on the Freedom to Learn Forum held at Summerhill School, UK on 6th-8th April 2018. A big thank you to Jerry Mintz and AERO for his consent to reproduce this report in the EUDEC Newsletter. The event was an outstanding success in networking people some of whom desperately […]

EUDEC Hungary Conference

The Hungarian Democratic Education Society held it´s very first Conference on the 4th of March in Budapest. We have found an excellent partner in the teacher training institute of the Eötvös Loránd University.