Year: 2024

EUDEC is hiring – New Office Team members

The European Democratic Education Community is seeking to establish an Office Team starting mid June which will help professionalize our organization and help advance EUDEC’s goals of promoting and strengthening Democratic Education in Europe. The Office Team will consist of two people coordinating the diverse areas of our organization, mainly managing the operative business, maintaining […]

Tenerife (ES) – Primary teacher

Location: Tenerife, Spain School: Kaleide International School Job Title: Primary Teacher If you’re passionate about democratic education and active learning, and are eager to contribute to a more humane education that gives a voice to students, we want to hear from you! We’re looking for Primary teachers to join us in the 2024-25 school year. […]

Heckenbeck (DE) – Lehrkräfte

Freie Schule Heckenbeck

Freie Schule Heckenbeck (Grund- und Oberschule in Bad Gandersheim, OT Heckenbeck) sucht engagierte Lehrkräfte für Grundschule, Englisch (Sek I) und unseren Förderschulbereich Die Freie Schule Heckenbeck ist eine Grund- und Oberschule und liegt in dem idyllischen Dörfchen Heckenbeck zwischen Göttingen und Hannover. Unsere Schule arbeitet altersübergreifend von Jahrgangstufe 1-10 in drei Gruppen – Primaria, Sekundaria, […]

Tarifa (ES) – School Director

Tarifa is home to an educational project that arose from the concerns of families who investigated new visions of education to pursue the search for the integral development of each person. Our goal is to develop the maximum potential of each child, respecting their learning rhythms, offering all the tools to enable not only the […]

EUDEC Conference 2024 – the Netherlands – 29th July to 4th August 2024

The next EUDEC Conference will take place in the Netherlands from 29th July to 4th August 2024. It will gather hundreds of participants from all over the world (teachers, parents, children…) to have fun and talk about democratic education… More details on this page