Author: Monica Kerme

Campaign for Ukrainian refugees

Our democratic school called “Slobodná škola” located at Ťahanovská 74, Košice, Slovakia, was main user of interior and community garden we established in 2017. As we are only 90km from Ukrainian borders and largest city around (250 000 inhabitants), since the war outbreak we have been offering support to refugees coming to Kosice. Our school […]

CfP_Doing Democratic Education. Call for papers

Call for Papers Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “LabSchoolsEurope – Participatory Research for Democratic Education” we would like to invite interested educators across Europe to contribute to this Call for Papers for the series “Forschungsperspektiven” (Research Perspectives) of the University College of Teacher Education Vienna (ISSN 2412-799X). This volume will be published in […]

Focus Group Consultation Reporting by EUDEC “Futures of Education”

European Democratic Education Community participation in the global conversation called by UNESCO’s “Futures of education” project  Knowledge production, access and governance Threats to knowledge becoming a global common good. There is a widespread global decline in student interest in compulsory, coercive, prescribed curriculum in many state school systems which is not found where students have […]


The EUDEC 2022 conference will take place in Leiston, UK on 5-10 August 2022 as part of the Summerhill Festival of Childhood. We look forward to seeing you there!

Re-Design Association in Romania

32 years ago, Romania was one of the soviet satellite states which was granted freedom after more than 40 years of communism – first 18 of stalinism. This freedom came with deep moral and material problems, still unsolved – this is why the Romanian society is still highly corrupted, and the brain drainage is huge. […]

Crowdfunding campaign

Liebe freie und demokratische Schulen, liebe EUDEC, lieber BFAS, ein bisschen aufgeregt schicken wir euch nun endlich diese Mail. Seit drei Jahren arbeiten wir an der Konzeption einer demokratischen Weiterbildung für Lehrkräfte mit dem Anspruch, die Lehrer*innenausbildung zu verändern. Bei uns sind Lehrkräfte aller Schulformen und damit auch freier und demokratischer Schulen willkommen und eingeladen, […]

Video 10 Jahre DSX

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 und 10 Schuljahre sind auf der Demokratische Schule X schon vergangen. In dieser Zeit wurde gelebt, gelacht, gelernt, Regeln geschaffen und Anträge abgestimmt. Die Schule hat sich entwickelt und etabliert. 10 Schulmitglieder:innen beantworten jeweils die zentrale Frage: “Was ist einer deiner besten Momente an der DSX […]

Research on Democratic Schools

Hello everyone, I’m Leyla from İstanbul and currently studying democratic schools in my master program in History education. By the end of May, I need to submit my thesis. There is a survey to fill in, in case you would like to support, the criteria is to be enrolled to a democratic school or once […]

18 – 20 June 2021: EUDEC Conference (online)

EUDEC organizes once a year an “EUDEC Conference“. In 2021, this event will be online, because of Corona (like in 2020)… It will start on Friday 18 June afternoon, and end on Sunday 20 June evening. There are 3 big parts in an “EUDEC Conference“: A General Meeting (GM). It is the circle with the […]

20 March 2021 – EUDEC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is the circle with the highest authority in EUDEC. The next EUDEC AGM will take place online on Saturday 20 March 2021, from 9:00 UTC to 12:00 UTC. Like last AGM, there will be a time for Workshops (one day before, from 17:00 UTC to 20:00 UTC) and an “Agora […]