Author: Monica Kerme

Sudbury Ammersee Court Appeal

We’re excited to announce that the appeal for the trial that resulted in the closing of the school has been approved, so court-procedures will be re-opened! This is great news for Sudbury Ammersee, for Democratic Education in Bavaria, in Germany, in Europe and everywhere! You can find detailed news about it (in German) here. The […]

Narratives of Achievement in African and Afroeuropean Contexts – Conference Report

Lena Kraus- The beginning of these “news” dates back to November 2018, when I traveled to South Africa to speak at a conference. The conference, Narratives of Achievement in African and Afroeuropean Contexts took place at the Stellenbosch Institute of Advanced Studies and the University of Cape Town and various scholars from all over the […]


Our Conference is fast approaching, and we’ve decided to collect some important info in one place. The conference website (incl. registration) can be found here. Scroll down for travel and visa info, booking recommendations and help with your travel! For the Kiev part of the conference, accommodation in host families is available free of charge. […]

EUDEC Greece News

                                                           Colleagues in education, parenthood, childhood, youth and any age! For the third year our pilot project, Spring Academy, will be held in Corfu from the 30th of April to the 4th of May. The Spring Academy is a gathering and celebration of revising educational values where learning is experienced as open sharing of knowledge […]

Report from IDEC 2018

Namaste EUDEC friends from Europe and beyond! Here is the promised Report from IDEC 2018: how it all unwrapped in my very fragmentary and subjective outlook 😉 The 25th International Conference for Democratic Education (IDEC) just took place three weeks ago in Bengalore, on the central south Deccan Plateau in India. (15th to 21st November […]

Democratic School Partnership Project Launched in Greece

We are very excited because our school-partnership project was approved by the Greek ministry of Education. This comes in a period where we are actually starting to raise awareness on the topic of democratic education and we enthusiastically realise that more and more people are interested to join. In this promising “Sympraxis” democratic school partnership […]

New TED Talks on Democratic Education

Christel Hartkamp-Bakker and Peter Hartkamp from Sudburyschool Harderwijk in the Netherlands have both been featured at recent TEDX events. Last week, Christel’s talk was recorded at the TEDX 2018 event for TEDX Harderwijk. The subject of her talk was “Can we trust children to educate themselves?” The livestream (unedited) can be viewed here (talk starts at […]

We hold the key to the future – and should not be afraid to say so!!

(A revised version of Derry Hannam’s keynote talk at the EUDEC conference held at Korfes, Crete, August 2018) There are two pillars to Democratic Education. Pillar number one consists of self-directed and self-managed learning and education which is free from coercion, competition, compulsory testing and fear of failure where, above all, young people learn to […]

New Democratic School in Croatia!

Dear All, 3 September 2018 marked the first day of work for Nova Škola primary school, the first free-democratic school in Croatia. We are very happy and proud of finally making our dreams come true. Our biggest obstacle was finding an adequate facility. We entered into negotiations with the City of Samobor representatives to be […]

EUDEC Poland Crowdfunding for Coordinator

Dear EUDEC friends and members, On 24th-27th May 2018 another conference of Polish democratic education community took place. About 250 hundred people joined the conference near Poznan to exchange experience, support each other, and charge their batteries. In the polish community, we came to a conclusion, that we want to have a crowdfunding to pay […]